What Happened?
On Friday September 29th, 2023, without warning or request for comment, the FDA moved a number of peptide raw material substances to the Category 2 Bulk Drug Substance list – meaning compounding pharmacies are no longer able to compound these drugs. Effective immediately, access to these drugs was restricted, and any compounding pharmacy purchasing bulk ingredients that are now listed under Category 2 faces the risk of the FDA “taking action against” that compounding pharmacy, including fines and loss of their license.
We must come together to save peptides and fight to have these lifesaving compounds put on the Category 1 list, making them a safe and legitimate option for medical care. The typical FDA review process for Category 2 drugs is currently taking two years or more and there are no guarantees they will be moved back.
We need to take action now.
Help us Save Peptides.
In order to get already nominated products a fair hearing for their nomination on the bulk drug substances list, we need a concerted and overwhelming effort to direct a coordinated response. We are asking for you to put in your personal stories through the website, through filming yourself, and to share this website so we can meet our goals and save us all.
Copy the QR code above at your office or home to share your friends and family.
Join The Cause Now
People across the country and the world rely on peptides to manage their health. What happens when they are not available?
Peptides Saved
My Life
Our Supporters
Support for peptides extends beyond just one group, one organization, one clinic, one provider, or one individual. To truly enact change and shift the regulatory environment limiting access to peptides, we must come together as one. Below are just a few of the many supporters doing their part to Save Peptides.

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